31 Aug 2010

Dear readers I've decided to stop blogging because I'm to lazy to do it.

You don't belive me right? Good 'cause I was just making fun I'll never stop! Well you should never say never. Anyway I've been gone for two weeks and I'm afraid I'll be gone again for two weeks. And I also have and had a phase where I'm not thinking of any fashion stuff. Probably the sun has burned my brain or something while I was in Crotia cause not thinking of fashion is definitly not normal. So I'd better stop writing nonsense and I'll start again in two weeks when I'm back from Spain where the sun'll have another chance to burn my alredy burned brain.
Liebe Leser ich habe beschlossen diesen Blog zu schließen weil ich zu faul bin ihn zu schreiben.

Scherz, ich hoffe ihr glaubt mir nicht. Aber ich habe seit zwei Wochen nichts von mir hören lassen und ich fürchte ihr werdet auch die nächsten zwei Wochen nichts von mir hören, denn ich war jetzt zwei Wochen weg und ich werde weitere zwei Wochen weg sein. Außerdem muss ich gestehen, dass ich im Moment eine ziemlich kreativlose Phase habe, was es mir nicht leicht macht mich mich mit Mode zu beschäftigen aber ich hoffe mal das legt sich. Bis in zwei Wochen!

15 Aug 2010

CDFA Awards

Ein Tribut an Alexander McQueen bei den CDFA Awards

13 Aug 2010

Gareth Pugh, the Matrix and Bat(wo)man

Because I have nothing to do I spend like half of the day in the internet and guess what I know it's not healthy but anyway! I also spend a quarter of the day on style.com (what means half of the time I spend surfing in the internet!) looking for cool winter collections. So now you know why my latest post were just about the collections of this season: I'm too lazy to get dressed and make some nice pictures of cool outfits! Now M which is a pretty cool guy with a pretty cool blog called You Are So Honest posted a comment on one of my last posts (the one about the recycling of fashionindustrie) and mentioned a designer I actually didn't know (what is no surprise because I don't know a lot). It's Gareth Pugh. He made some really awesome stuff which I actually wouldn't wear on the streets but in my dreams where I also save the world I always where such things!! Now his this year's fall collection reminds me totally of The Matrix and a bit of Batman.
On the first picture you see Batwoman ( such a shame I loved Batman he's so good looking!) The rest of the pictures exept the last one show models with (until now) unknown costumes for part 4 of The Matrix! On the last you see my favourite look of the collection. It's a bit Matrix because of the lggings and shoes and it reminds me also of these japanise women because of the jacket which is… wow.

12 Aug 2010

miu miu fall/winter

Of course no collection is perfect but this!? First of all I know it's a fall/winter collection but why are there so strange colors?
-I don't like the colors, orange and purple are the colors of a spring collection.
-Half of the collection is just black and black and black again. Probably miu miu is the producer of the outcoming film Women In Black!
-I totally don't know why someone would wear something like the dark purple skirt or the dark purple coat without getting paid for it (of course the models get paid so someone wears them). The Material is really uncomfortable and it looks stupid. (Years ago there was a girl in my class who did wear stuff like that, I hated her)

If the collection would have been totally messed up I would have just written: This winter miu miu collection= BAD But I did not write it so there's also a tiny part which is good.
-The shoes are really great: nice heels and nice flats.
-The cuts of the dresses are beautiful but they would have been better in another color than just black!
-Love at the first sight: the big pockets!

9 Aug 2010


Actually I don't really know what tagging is but I kind of have an idea. So you ask questions and tagg people in your blog. Than you leave other people a comment so they can answer the questions and tagg other people.
Well let's get started :

5 things you always have with you:

5 favourite things in your room:

5 things you always wanted to do:

If you knew that the whole world will read your next post what would you write about?

The person who tagged me is (…) from (…).

Your 5 impressions of her/ him.

I'm tagging

Now go *run* and tagg other blogs out there!

8 Aug 2010

fall/winter 2010 Dior

I like DIOR. And I like John Galliano. That's why I LOVE the fall/winter collection 2010 of Dior! First have a look:
Now a little interview with my fictive friend Mr. Galliano:
ME: This collection is great very nice combination of old and new!
HIM: Thank you very much.
ME: What has inspired you to this collection Mr. Galliano?
HIM: A lot! Especially…………

ME: Hahahaha I knew it! The hats are like his! I also like the tights and the overknees boots! A great idea! I love your collection so much! The leather, the shoes, the dresses, the jackets… and the hats! I LOVE HATS!
HIM (talking to his security boss): Get me out of here that girl is crazy!
( John Galliano leaves quick the building with his security boss)


*If I'll ever talk to him this is going to happen!*

7 Aug 2010

black, white & style

Who says that black and white aren't colors? Because then I couldn't wear that outfit right? And that's what I have wore today! So since I've become interested in fashion… I'll make another post about that another day… I'm thinking of what it means having or not having style so that makes me think who has style and who not, do I have style? What is style? Yeah I sound like one of these lessons about the defination of some difficult since thing… and Mr. Proffessor... will tell you now more about… anyway back to style. I think people with style wear what they want. I think Tavi from Style Rookie has style, and Rumi from fashiontoast has style and here comes the moment where I stop telling you who has style because I'm too lazy or I just don't want to tell you that I don't know many bloggers but I can tell you one more little person who has style it's the girl from street-inspiration but I don't know her name… so don't tell her!! Next question now who of the people I know (not blogger which I actually don't know) have style? Good question next question!!! In my family my grandma (the mom of my mom) and my mom. A friend of mine who has style? Well yes some have s†yle. Oh and there's also this guy in school, good looking, and his style is totally awesome!! Do you guys think you have style cause I don't know whether I have style.(???)

5 Aug 2010

purple-red freak

When I wake up today (at 2 p.m.; couldn't sleep last night had to chat with V who has problems with her boyfriend!) I decided to start the day cleaning up my room. First thing you have to know my room looked (know it's getting better) like a real mess! So it took me a couple of hours to get ready with my closet and then I picked out this dress I'm wearing which I didn't want to wear till winter but it has been reaning the WHOLE DAY so I thought it would be apropiated. Now what I actually want to say is that I loved the combination of the color purple (the t-shirt not the dress) and red (the hat)!! Sounds a bit strange ok she likes red and purple so what?! But I've been thinking about this combination the whole day! I don't get it out of my mind! And then I decided that if I'd ever become a designer I will use this colors for one of my collections. I would also like to put some red band on the dress but i didn't find one just a white one and that looks stupid with the red hat!
At least about the shoes I would wear with that outfit and the unvisible red band: I like green ones so I'd take both. The problem is that one of them is a high heel so I can't wear them together :(. Which do you like more?

4 Aug 2010

Ich bin ja ziemlich neu in der Bloggerszene und deshalb bin ich ja auch immer wieder überrascht wenn ich diese einfach nur abgefahrenen Blogs oder Communities finde! Sicher kennen noch sehr viele diese Papierpuppen zum anziehen von früher. Die sind ja schon an die ich weiß nicht 50-60 Jahre alt aber sogar ich hab damit gespielt vor ein paar Jahren. Und jetzt habe ich durch einen anderen Blog ( Style Rookie ) so etwas ähnliches gefunden: POLYVORE
Man kann zwar keine Puppen anziehen aber man kann Outfits zusammenstellen und das ist cool! Davon hab ich schon immer geträumt!!
I'm a pretty new blogger so I really get exited when I find those awesome blogs and communities!
Some of you have to remember this dolls made ouf of paper which you can put clothes on. I think they're pretty old something about 50-60 years because also my parents played with them! And now I've found this really cool side: POLYVORE
I found it on Style Rookie and you can't dress dolls up but you can mix clothes and make outfits and that's awesome! I've always dreamed about such a thing!!

2 Aug 2010

look green peace fashion industry is recycling

Yesterday I watched The devil wears Prada and I realised that all the really important designers who have changed things in this world of a modern human are going to be death until I'm I don't know 25, 30! Or they have already died. I know it sounds strange to say this and I don't want to insult any designer but think of it. Pierre Bergé said ,,Coco Chanel gave the women freedom, Ives Saint Laurent power." And yes it's true I'm a fan of Marc Jakobs and other great designers I love what they design. But those who really changed the world are already death. Karl Lagerfeld and Valentino won't live forever they're old! And Valentino doesn't even design anymore for Valentino! I mean it sounds strange don't you think? If I'd ever had the money to buy myself a Valentino gown Valentino wouldn't have designed it! Why is it than a Valentino, why do we call it Valentino? It's the same with Chanel has Coco Chanel designed the things you see in a Chanel boutique? No! Karl Lagerfeld has! He's good but not Coco! And now we're having comebacks. Lots of comebacks! The 80's, 70's, 90's, 60's… everything comes back we don't have something new we just recycle everything. At least I don't understand Green Peace. The fashion industrie has been recycling everything for years!

1 Aug 2010

Summer plans

So wie ich schon gesagt habe es sind Ferien und jetzt komme ich mal zu meiner Planung für die nächsten drei Wochen: MÜNCHEN
Like I told now are holidays and right now I'll tell you my plans for the next three weeks: MUNICH
Das sind die Sachen die mich diese ersten drei Wochen des Sommers beschäftigen werden: alte Vokabel in Latein und Französisch; Teen Vogue u.s.w.; FOTOS; Sonne; Zeichnen und Designen; bloggen und zwar jeden tag wahrscheinlich! nicht das ihr denkt ich hätte sonst nichts zu tun;-_-
This are the things I'll do the first three weeks of the summer: old vocabulary in latin and french; Teen Vogue et cetera; PHOTOS; sun; drawing and designing; blogging everyday! not that you think I have absolutely nothing to do;-_-