31 Jul 2010
29 Jul 2010
28 Jul 2010
New Trends in Zara
24 Jul 2010
Anna dello Russo
21 Jul 2010
Wintertrends 09/10

19 Jul 2010
Gewinnspiel bei HELLO WORLD
I'd love to be a member of lookbook but you have to know someone who's a member and who sends you an invitation to get in. Otherwise you can try the other way and then you have to send them a picture with your e-mail, a note and your blogaddres… I don't know any members so I had to chose the way of sending them the pic and I'm pretty sur they will not take me because my pic is so bad… I didn't know what pic to take and this one was good but you don't see any shoes!! And shoes are so important! Do you take the subway without shoes?! Me neither…
15 Jul 2010
Accessoires (Teil 3)
Just little accessories can make it look natural. You all know those people who just wear this expensive jewelry which does really look great but seems so not natural. And that’s why I don’t like it… I love my white- orange necklace made of this little stones. I got it years ago from one of my nannies.
My talisman (the stone) ( got it from Soso) which keeps me safe. And my necklace with the stones inside the little bottle. Can’t believe that I wore it everyday two years ago.
The triangular necklace is made out of seed. I think it’s from Africa but I’m not sure and the bracelet is from turkey. Most of this kind of jewelry you buy in vacation or some friend gives it to you and that’s what makes it special no one has it except of you.
To be continued…
13 Jul 2010
Accessoires (Teil 2)
Das Herz aus Silber übrigens ( was kein echtes ist) ist nicht von Tiffany. Ich hab es aus einem kleinem Laden, der Tücher und Schmuck in einer kleinen Stadt in Frankreich, verkauft.
10 Jul 2010
9 Jul 2010
Hab ja eigentlich schon viel mehr in den Sales gekauft aber heute hab ich diesen Rock echt günstig bekommen. Also dachte ich mir ich mache alle darauf aufmerksam welch schicke Sachen man auch am Ende der Salezeit ergattern kann! Der Rock ist neu und im Oma-blümchenstyle.
8 Jul 2010
Accessoires (Teil 1)
7 Jul 2010
OOOOOOleeeeeeee, ole,ole...
6 Jul 2010
Kurzfilm Mode (Ergänzung)
Kurzfilm Mode
4 Jul 2010
- Heutzutage braucht man an einem sehr heißen Tag wie vor zwei Tagen eine gewisse Grundausstattung und zwar:
Definition MONi: