22 Dec 2010
Door 22 of my online Adventskalender
21 Dec 2010
Door 21 of my online Adventskalender
19 Dec 2010
17 Dec 2010
Door 17 of my online Adventskalender
15 Dec 2010
Door 16 of my online Adventskalender
Door 15 of my online Adventskalender
14 Dec 2010
Door 14 of my online Adventskalender
12 Dec 2010
Door 13 of my online Adventskalender
Door 12 of my online Adventskalender
11 Dec 2010
Door 11 of my online Adventskalender
10 Dec 2010
Door 10 of my online Adventskalender
My first concert…
i wish it would have been a Beatles concert. I think I would have screamed like all the other girls in the film. After seeing it for the very first time I had crush on John Lennon (which I still have a bit. Think about it… on someone dead… someone who'd have had his 70th birthday this year. CRANC! I listened to this songs and of course I couldn't hold the tears back while listening to McCartny's tribute "Here Today".
Also very good George Harrison's tribute
Have a nice day only 14 days more…
9 Dec 2010
Door 9 of my online Adventskalender
8 Dec 2010
Door 8 of my online Adventskalender
While looking for ma mum's car (Yes I am the one who has to search for her car when she forgot where she left it) I loved how the light made that house shine. There's a new store next to my street! But it seems to be quite expensive. The grey coat in the window costs about 300 €.
The next pictures are from last month when I went on a seminar for being this year's Tutor for the little "freshmen" on our school. A really big responsibility!
( laugh, laugh ( they are ten years old and annoying ( but some of them have really talent there's one girl who can danced like Shakira (and she's only ten!) and another who sang Mercy like Duffy!)!! ))
It was fun because we had a four-bed room in another building of the hotel. So the teachers didn't come to see what we were doing. After drinking a little bit of alc in the shadows of the little chapel on the mountain some friends came to our room and we hang out in one of the beds. It was freezing up there and we totally forgot to heat. Berni definitely drank too much… he smelled like a dosser and slept the whole evening through.
16 days… today's one of my best friends birthday! I'll write tomorrow about what my present is. And I have to finally write my wish list for christmas!! And I still hava no idea!!! What am I going to do????
7 Dec 2010
Door 7 of my online Adventskalender

The boots have this horseback riding style I absolutely love! I'd love living in the 17th, 18th or 19th century. But actually as a man, not as a woman. The women had this beautiful dresses but they were so uncomfortable. And women couldn't do or say anything. But men were fighting with swords in battles. Riding their horses and beinh
free to explore the world. And they had cool clothing. BOOTS!! And Jodhpurs and cool hads (like the Mad Hatter's!!).
Down there in the subway are really interesting people with really interesting style. What a pity I'm either half asleep or so hungry I want to get home fast when I'm in the subway…
Got a new style blog idea: the subwaystyle
ONLY 17 days left before christmas!!!
Still guessing what to wish… any ideas?! I always want stuff but there's One exeption at christmas and on my birthday I can't figure out what I want!!
6 Dec 2010
Door 6 of my online Adventskalender
In Regensburg I saw a shop called "The milliner" I had to get closer to. And see what I found in the shop window… another picture of my favourite movie character! And more!
His beautiful and crazy had!! I had to take a picture but I didn't want to go into the shop and ask whether you could buy it (there were a lot of old grandmas with their husbands looking for hads). What a pity… Now I'd really like to know whether I could have put this had on my wish list for christmas! That had's so beautiful…
But I also saw other shops (nothing compering to "The Milliner")
Like this shop where I thought it'd have just toys but which turned out to have this wonderful bracelets! I've seen this before in Spain last summer. My cousin and her friends had tehm all. They were totally in. I just hadn't enough time to go to that shop and buy some and in Munich they didn't have the shop which sold them. But I found them in the most boring town of Germany ( almost the most I saw worse in Hessen)!

It looks a little bit childish I know. You can choose whether you wand animals cars, music, dinos, water animals. I bought the music and the water animals. You wear them just like me in the picture and it gives your outfit a funkie touch…
I also bought a yellow lightstick and two green lightbracelets. (I can't find these things in Munich, too!)
4 Dec 2010
Door 5 of my online Adventskalender
Yesterday spending the beautiful( hahaha yes very beautiful, I almost got frozen to death) day in Regensburg.
First: I hate Regensburg.
Second: While freezing in Regensburg in Munich the sun was shining!
The shops were filled with people buying christmas presents. Especially the big stores were crowded. So I spend most of the time walking thought the little, old streets with the small stores. I barely bought something. Regensburg has a lot of art galleries. And some nice stores but nothing more so after 3 hours I got bored and went back home to my grandma's place. Regensburg really get's bored after a while, especially when you already know half the town since you're a little kid!
So in fact the day wasn't that good but I hope today get's better. I'm gonna meet up with a friend and go ice skating… One little problem… I don't know how to skate! And I have to mention that Welts Art is on twitter now so don't forget to follow!
Only 19 more days and it's… CHRISTMAS!!
If you forgot just go outside and watch the kids and parents who gone crazy because they still don't know what they wish for christmas or they still haven't bought what their kids wish… the world's a funny and ironic place.
Door 4 of my Adventskalender
3 Dec 2010
Door 3 of my online Adventskalender
2 Dec 2010
Door 2 of my online Adventskalender
1 Dec 2010
Door 1 of my online Adventskalender
Ahhhhh it's december! And it's winter! I'm so happy that it's snowing, seems it's been years since we had snow on the first of december. I'm sorry I didn't post anything in the last days. But I've been so busy revising stuff for school! Lucky me the year's almost over and the most difficult tests are already part of my personal history book.
Now you probably ask yourself why did I tell you this. What about an "Online Adventskalender"? On my blog?
Well I think I should post more often so I'm going to post every day from now and make it an "online Adventskalender"!
Hope you enjoy reading the next 23 posts and by the way: IT'S SNOWING!!
16 Nov 2010
Eddie Borgo
13 Nov 2010
jewelry, unique stuff
11 Nov 2010
drawing fashion
Did I mention that I wanted to learn more about drawing fashion? Probably I didn't I even forgot about the class I'm taking... I went yesterday and it was pretty much what I expected. In the cool way. It's not like school you don't have to go and that makes you feel free! We didn't learn much yesterday only a bit about the woman's body and how you draw it in fashionindustrie. Skinny, long legs, too long legs! Then we had to draw a figurine... The teacher said we have to practise if I wouldn't practise I wouldn't get better.
First: Where the hell will I find time to practise? I don't even have enough time to do stuff I need to do.Second: I forgot what the second thing is... See! I'm totally stressed out!!
Anyway the classes seem fun and I'll go there every week and hopefully I'll learn to draw fashion!
8 Nov 2010
Mary won........
6 Nov 2010
i want inspiration…

2 Nov 2010
30 Oct 2010
20 Oct 2010
acqua you can't drink
Acqua Di Gioia by Giorgio Armani from Transparence Consulting on Vimeo.
Revolution by Vivienne Weatwood